Dental Emergencies
Dental Emergencies
Dental Emergencies can happen at any time and any place.
Riverside Dental Centre in Trenton welcomes all dental emergencies at any day and any time. Our flexible office hours make it easy for us to see patients at their own convenience and according to their own schedule.
If you happen to have a dental emergency, please contact us right away!
It is always easier to save a tooth as soon as the injury happens. If you take your time before contacting us, it might be too late to save the tooth and alternative treatments will have to be considered. We know the severity of the pain associated with dental problems, which is why we do our best to accommodate dental emergencies right away. Call us immediately to schedule an emergency dental appointment, we will do our best to see you as prompt as possible: 613-392-2732
Learn about common dental emergency issues and how to handle them.

Here are some ways you can take care of the most common dental injuries:
Knocked Out Tooth
If a tooth is completely knocked out, it should be quickly rinsed off with water, but never scrubbed. The tooth should be held by the crown (top), not the root, so you do not damage the ligaments. In a cooperative adult, the tooth should be put back in the socket. Many people may be uncomfortable re-implanting the tooth on their own. If this is the case, be sure to transport the tooth to the doctor or dentist in saline, milk, or saliva.
Chipped Or Broken Tooth
When a tooth is chipped or broken, the first thing to worry about is how to stop the bleeding. Apply direct, gentle pressure to the affected gum area, not the tooth itself to stop the bleeding. Rinse your mouth gently with warm water and then apply a cold compress to the area. If you find a piece of the tooth, bring it with you when you go to the dentist. Use a pain killer in small doses to relieve any pain.
Over-the counter pain medications may be used while you arrange a dental appointment. Avoid cold or hot foods because this may worsen the pain. Relief may be obtained by biting on a cotton ball soaked in oil of cloves.
At our Trenton dental office we will help with Dental Emergencies as soon as possible. Please contact us immediately so we can work on keeping your smile healthy.